ICCA Virtual

Upcoming webinar

The comeback of carotid stenting

September 25th, 2024, 18:00 - 20:00 CEST


How we put carotid stenting back on stage in the US – the success story of the Multi-Specialty Carotid Alliance
Adnan Siddiqui, Neurosurgeon, USA

Proximal protection for all carotid stent cases
Horst Sievert, Interventional Angiologist & Cardiologist, Germany

Micromesh carotid stents – a major step forward
Piotr Musiałek, Interventional Cardiologist, Poland


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Past webinars

January 30: Acute stroke (on-demand)

Iris Grunwald, Interventional Neuroradiologist, United Kingdom


  • Naveed Akhtar, Interventional and Diagnostic Neuroradiologist, USA
  • Klaus Mathias, Radiologist & Neuroradiologist, Germany
  • Kenneth Snyder, Neurosurgeon, USA
  • Piotr Musiałek, Interventional Cardiologist, Poland

Watch on-demand

February 27: Carotid stenting (on-demand)

Kenneth Snyder, Neurosurgeon, USA


  • Anna Podlasek, Radiologist & Biostatistician, United Kingdom
  • Artur Dziadkiewicz, Interventional Neurologist, Poland
  • Klaus Mathias, Radiologist & Neuroradiologist, Germany
  • Panagiotis Papanagiotou, Radiologist & Neuroradiologist, Germany & Greece
  • Kolja Sievert, Interventional Angiologist & Cardiologist, Germany

Watch on-demand

March 26: Acute Stroke (on-demand)

Piotr Musiałek, Interventional Cardiologist, Poland


  • Horst Sievert, Interventional Angiologist & Cardiologist, Germany
  • Iris Grunwald, Interventional Neuroradiologist, United Kingdom
  • Kolja Sievert, Interventional Angiologist & Cardiologist, Germany
  • Adnan Siddiqui, Neurosurgeon, USA

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Watch on-demand

April 30: Carotid stenting (on-demand)

Klaus Mathias, Radiologist & Neuroradiologist, Germany

  • Artur Dziadkiewicz, Interventional Neurologist, Poland
  • Iris Grunwald, Interventional Neuroradiologist, United Kingdom
  • Carlos Alejandro Alvarez, Interventional Cardiologist, Argentina
  • Adnan Siddiqui, Neurosurgeon, USA
  • Kolja Sievert, Interventional Angiologist & Cardiologist, Germany

Watch on-demand

May 28: Acute thrombosis and embolic stroke during carotid stenting - what now? (on-demand)

Horst Sievert, Interventional Angiologist & Cardiologist, Germany


  • Carlos Alejandro Alvarez, Interventional Cardiologist, Argentina
  • Panagiotis Papanagiotou, Radiologist & Neuroradiologist, Germany & Greece
  • Kenneth Snyder, Neurosurgeon, USA
  • Anna Podlasek, Radiologist & Biostatistician, United Kingdom
  • Kolja Sievert, Interventional Angiologist & Cardiologist, Germany

Watch on-demand

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